Nobody knew when she had come to Vegas. Statuesque, confident, her dark hair cut short, clad in stunning, black designer overalls with a red belt and matching cowboy boots, Karla was certainly not someone you would casually bio-quiz. Rumors had it that she sat on a secret stash of cash taken from a speed lab in Flamingo Heights, that she had quit graduate work in chemistry at Caltech and was deeply into Zen. Once in town she quickly developed a lucrative niche business pruning family trees, turning life foreshortening into an art. She used to say that : "As you get older, death is your friend." She was twenty three then.

Karla would only hire college and graduate students in good academic standing, especially offshore students whose government stipends hadn't come through. If they slipped off the Dean's List, she would put them on probation and they wouldn't be allowed to whack their way through school. Still, high school drop-out Zoot was her favorite. He was her living Zen challenge about letting go of expectations and hope.

In his opening statement Bigsby reported to his dad like an eager boy scout. Incomprehensible stuff on intricate financial trickery he had concocted, wiping out a bunch of slowpoke Mid-West suckers while netting great financial rewards for his firm. Kurt was aghast how hard Bigsby tried to impress. What a pathetic spectacle. A grown guy insanely desperate for a fatherly pat on the back. Flare was right. Bigsby was a total freak with a sprinkle of Autism. A monster number-cruncher with the emotional maturity of a ten year old. A perfect package for the top floor during business hours, but a disaster during après travail. A social punching bag for the old boys with their pharma-pumped peckers itching to pester their trophy wives. No wonder Bigsby bought himself a knock-out fiancée so he could travel the Wall Street scene with a hood ornament, so shiny it would slam-shut Da Boyz.

A pale creature appeared in the door frame: Nicolae, the walking worst case scenario. Hatched at Ceausescu's secret gene lab, rejected by all adoption crazy wanna-be parents, expelled via an Aeroflot one-way to infect the West, he tricked Big Brother's immune system and embedded himself in Vegas. Out of cash at the doorstep of UNLV's engineering department, this Rumanian orphan drove the stake of misplaced compassion right through their administrative hearts. His extra-curricular ambitions ignited, he quickly matured into a status symbol junkie, strangled by chronic liquidity problems and eager to enter Karla's dark orbit.